NimBLE-Arduino 2.2.2
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main.h File Reference

Bluetooth Mesh Profile APIs. More...

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struct  bt_mesh_dev_capabilities
struct  bt_mesh_prov


int bt_mesh_input_string (const char *str)
 Provide provisioning input OOB string.
int bt_mesh_input_number (uint32_t num)
 Provide provisioning input OOB number.
int bt_mesh_prov_remote_pub_key_set (const uint8_t public_key[BT_PUB_KEY_LEN])
 Provide Device public key.
int bt_mesh_auth_method_set_input (bt_mesh_input_action_t action, uint8_t size)
 Use Input OOB authentication.
int bt_mesh_auth_method_set_output (bt_mesh_output_action_t action, uint8_t size)
 Use Output OOB authentication.
int bt_mesh_auth_method_set_static (const uint8_t *static_val, uint8_t size)
 Use static OOB authentication.
int bt_mesh_auth_method_set_none (void)
 Don't use OOB authentication.
int bt_mesh_prov_enable (bt_mesh_prov_bearer_t bearers)
 Enable specific provisioning bearers.
int bt_mesh_prov_disable (bt_mesh_prov_bearer_t bearers)
 Disable specific provisioning bearers.
int bt_mesh_init (uint8_t own_addr_type, const struct bt_mesh_prov *prov, const struct bt_mesh_comp *comp)
 Initialize Mesh support.
void bt_mesh_reset (void)
 Reset the state of the local Mesh node.
int bt_mesh_suspend (void)
 Suspend the Mesh network temporarily.
int bt_mesh_resume (void)
 Resume a suspended Mesh network.
int bt_mesh_provision (const uint8_t net_key[16], uint16_t net_idx, uint8_t flags, uint32_t iv_index, uint16_t addr, const uint8_t dev_key[16])
 Provision the local Mesh Node.
int bt_mesh_provision_adv (const uint8_t uuid[16], uint16_t net_idx, uint16_t addr, uint8_t attention_duration)
 Provision a Mesh Node using PB-ADV.
bool bt_mesh_is_provisioned (void)
 Check if the local node has been provisioned.
void bt_mesh_iv_update_test (bool enable)
 Toggle the IV Update test mode.
bool bt_mesh_iv_update (void)
 Toggle the IV Update state.
int bt_mesh_lpn_set (bool enable)
 Toggle the Low Power feature of the local device.
int bt_mesh_lpn_poll (void)
 Send out a Friend Poll message.
void bt_mesh_lpn_set_cb (void(*cb)(uint16_t friend_addr, bool established))
 Register a callback for Friendship changes.
int bt_mesh_friend_terminate (uint16_t lpn_addr)
 Terminate Friendship.
void bt_mesh_rpl_pending_store (uint16_t addr)
 Store pending RPL entry(ies) in the persistent storage.

Detailed Description

Bluetooth Mesh Profile APIs.